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How To Restore Trust In Our Election Process


Americans’ faith in the integrity of our election process has been shaken by major controversies, which underscores the need for serious changes. This episode of What’s Ahead looks at some of these, among them:

• Allow officials from both parties to observe every step of the collection, verification and counting of absentee and mail-in ballots. This process should begin before Election Day so that vote totals can be tallied on election night.

• Mail-in ballots should be sent only to those who request them.

• Registration rolls should be thoroughly and frequently purged of voters who have moved or died.

• Voting machines and equipment should be vigorously tested for proper functioning and the prevention of hacking before the election.

• Stamp out “voter harvesting,” whereby party workers, armed with ballots, go to such places as nursing homes and “help” patients fill out ballots, often not turning in “wrong” votes.

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