RAVE to the women at the table next to my mom and me who covered my cocktail as we celebrated my finalized legal divorce! Heck yes, you had the best supportive reaction. Cheers!

RANT to people who start putting equipment away before the end of an exercise class. Am I the only one who thinks it’s rude?!

RAVE to the folks who keep the Burke-Gilman Trail clear of fallen leaves, tree branches, trees and debris. You’ve been especially busy this year. After every large wind event and seemingly several times a week otherwise, the trail is swept or blown clean, making it much safer for all trail users — especially after dark, when it’s hard to spot potential hazards buried in piles of leaves. Your effort hasn’t gone unnoticed, thank you!

RANT to those who make eggnog! You can buy small containers of any kind or flavor of milk. But eggnog? Nothing smaller than a quart! Ladies who live alone and who are perpetually on a diet cannot finish off a quart of eggnog before it goes bad. I like a little eggnog in my coffee. But since I can’t stand to waste stuff, I can’t have eggnog.

RAVE to the city of Seattle’s pothole fix-it crew. After I reported a pothole on Beacon Avenue South, the crew was filling the pothole literally the next day as I drove past. Just think how many potholes would be fixed if people used the online pothole report instead of just complaining about them!

RANT to the owners of the giant Seattle Great Wheel Ferris wheel. Any chance you could turn that ugly neon off from November to March? Lots of folks live in the neighborhood and could use the visual peace of just water and mountains.


RAVE to DJ Tamm and the rest of the staff and volunteers at Nathan Hale High School’s C89.5. The dance music you all keep playing injects much-needed positivity into my life. Thank you!

RANT to booing at Seattle Seahawks games. OK, so the Seahawks are having a bad year, Russell’s hurt, the line can’t seem to get the running game going, too many stupid penalties and really unfortunate injuries. But the most disappointing thing is that the crowd has started to boo their home team. Talk about a chump move. Seattle fans should be better than that. When the guys are down, you don’t kick them — you stand up FOR them. If those of you booing are so brilliant, what are you doing in the stands?

RANT to the drivers in Seattle who do not know that you can make a free right turn on a red light when there’s no traffic coming from the left. If you live in Seattle or are a visitor, please know Washington’s driving rules. We are already known for our bad drivers.