How AI Will Change Democracy

I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to predict that artificial intelligence will affect every aspect of our society. Not by doing new things. But mostly by doing things that are already being done by humans, perfectly competently.

Replacing humans with AIs isn’t necessarily interesting. But when an AI takes over a human task, the task changes.

In particular, there are potential changes over four dimensions: Speed, scale, scope and sophistication. The problem with AIs trading stocks isn’t that they’re better than humans—it’s that they’re faster. But computers are better at chess and Go because they use more sophisticated strategies than humans. We’re worried about AI-controlled social media accounts because they operate on a superhuman scale.

It gets interesting when changes in degree can become changes in kind. High-speed trading is fundamentally different than regular human trading. AIs have invented fundamentally new strategies in the game of Go. Millions of AI-controlled social media accounts could fundamentally change the nature of propaganda.

It’s these sorts of changes and how AI will affect democracy that I want to talk about.

To start, I want to list some of AI’s core competences. First, it is really good as a summarizer. Second, AI is good at explaining things, teaching with infinite patience. Third, and related, AI can persuade. Propaganda is an offshoot of this. Fourth, AI is fundamentally a prediction technology. Predictions about whether turning left or right will get you to your destination faster. Predictions about whether a tumor is cancerous might improve medical diagnoses. Predictions about which word is likely to come next can help compose an email. Fifth, AI can assess. Assessing requires outside context and criteria. AI is less good at assessing, but it’s getting better. Sixth, AI can decide. A decision is a prediction plus an assessment. We are already using AI to make all sorts of decisions.

How these competences translate to actual useful AI systems depends a lot on the details. We don’t know how far AI will go in replicating or replacing human cognitive functions. Or how soon that will happen. In constrained environments it can be easy. AIs already play chess and Go better than humans. Unconstrained environments are harder. There are still significant challenges to fully AI-piloted automobiles. The technologist Jaron Lanier has a nice quote, that AI does best when “human activities have been done many times before, but not in exactly the same way.”

In this talk, I am going to be largely optimistic about the technology. I’m not going to dwell on the details of how the AI systems might work. Much of what I am talking about is still in the future. Science fiction, but not unrealistic science fiction.

Where I am going to be less optimistic—and more realistic—is about the social implications of the technology. Again, I am less interested in how AI will substitute for humans. I’m looking more at the second-order effects of those substitutions: How the underlying systems will change because of changes in speed, scale, scope and sophistication. My goal is to imagine the possibilities. So that we might be prepared for their eventuality.

And as I go through the possibilities, keep in mind a few questions: Will the change distribute or consolidate power? Will it make people more or less personally involved in democracy? What needs to happen before people will trust AI in this context? What could go wrong if a bad actor subverted the AI in this context? And what can we do, as security technologists, to help?

I am thinking about democracy very broadly. Not just representations, or elections. Democracy as a system for distributing decisions evenly across a population. It’s a way of converting individual preferences into group decisions. And that includes bureaucratic decisions.

To that end, I want to discuss five different areas where AI will affect democracy: Politics, lawmaking, administration, the legal system and, finally, citizens themselves.

I: AI-assisted politicians

I’ve already said that AIs are good at persuasion. Politicians will make use of that. Pretty much everyone talks about AI propaganda. Politicians will make use of that, too. But let’s talk about how this might go well.

In the past, candidates would write books and give speeches to connect with voters. In the future, candidates will also use personalized chatbots to directly engage with voters on a variety of issues. AI can also help fundraise. I don’t have to explain the persuasive power of individually crafted appeals. AI can conduct polls. There’s some really interesting work into having large language models assume different personas and answer questions from their points of view. Unlike people, AIs are always available, will answer thousands of questions without getting tired or bored and are more reliable. This won’t replace polls, but it can augment them. AI can assist human campaign managers by coordinating campaign workers, creating talking points, doing media outreach and assisting get-out-the-vote efforts. These are all things that humans already do. So there’s no real news there.

The changes are largely in scale. AIs can engage with voters, conduct polls and fundraise at a scale that humans cannot—for all sizes of elections. They can also assist in lobbying strategies. AIs could also potentially develop more sophisticated campaign and political strategies than humans can. I expect an arms race as politicians start using these sorts of tools. And we don’t know if the tools will favor one political ideology over another.

More interestingly, future politicians will largely be AI-driven. I don’t mean that AI will replace humans as politicians. Absent a major cultural shift—and some serious changes in the law—that won’t happen. But as AI starts to look and feel more human, our human politicians will start to look and feel more like AI. I think we will be OK with it, because it’s a path we’ve been walking down for a long time. Any major politician today is just the public face of a complex socio-technical system. When the president makes a speech, we all know that they didn’t write it. When a legislator sends out a campaign email, we know that they didn’t write that either—even if they signed it. And when we get a holiday card from any of these people, we know that it was signed by an autopen. Those things are so much a part of politics today that we don’t even think about it. In the future, we’ll accept that almost all communications from our leaders will be written by AI. We’ll accept that they use AI tools for making political and policy decisions. And for planning their campaigns. And for everything else they do. None of this is necessarily bad. But it does change the nature of politics and politicians—just like television and the internet did.

II: AI-assisted legislators

AIs are already good at summarization. This can be applied to listening to constituents:  summarizing letters, comments and making sense of constituent inputs. Public meetings might be summarized. Here the scale of the problem is already overwhelming, and AI can make a big difference. Beyond summarizing, AI can highlight interesting arguments or detect bulk letter-writing campaigns. They can aid in political negotiating.

AIs can also write laws. In November 2023, Porto Alegre, Brazil became the first city to enact a law that was entirely written by AI. It had to do with water meters. One of the councilmen prompted ChatGPT, and it produced a complete bill. He submitted it to the legislature without telling anyone who wrote it. And the humans passed it without any changes.

A law is just a piece of generated text that a government agrees to adopt. And as with every other profession, policymakers will turn to AI to help them draft and revise text. Also, AI can take human-written laws and figure out what they actually mean. Lots of laws are recursive, referencing paragraphs and words of other laws. AIs are already good at making sense of all that.

This means that AI will be good at finding legal loopholes—or at creating legal loopholes. I wrote about this in my latest book, A Hacker’s Mind. Finding loopholes is similar to finding vulnerabilities in software. There’s also a concept called “micro-legislation.” That’s the smallest unit of law that makes a difference to someone. It could be a word or a punctuation mark. AIs will be good at inserting micro-legislation into larger bills. More positively, AI can help figure out unintended consequences of a policy change—by simulating how the change interacts with all the other laws and with human behavior.

AI can also write more complex law than humans can. Right now, laws tend to be general. With details to be worked out by a government agency. AI can allow legislators to propose, and then vote on, all of those details. That will change the balance of power between the legislative and the executive branches of government. This is less of an issue when the same party controls the executive and the legislative branches. It is a big deal when those branches of government are in the hands of different parties. The worry is that AI will give the most powerful groups more tools for propagating their interests.

AI can write laws that are impossible for humans to understand. There are two kinds of laws: specific laws, like speed limits, and laws that require judgment, like those that address reckless driving. Imagine that we train an AI on lots of street camera footage to recognize reckless driving and that it gets better than humans at identifying the sort of behavior that tends to result in accidents. And because it has real-time access to cameras everywhere, it can spot it … everywhere. The AI won’t be able to explain its criteria: It would be a black-box neural net. But we could pass a law defining reckless driving by what that AI says. It would be a law that no human could ever understand. This could happen in all sorts of areas where judgment is part of defining what is illegal. We could delegate many things to the AI because of speed and scale. Market manipulation. Medical malpractice. False advertising. I don’t know if humans will accept this.

III: AI-assisted bureaucracy

Generative AI is already good at a whole lot of administrative paperwork tasks. It will only get better. I want to focus on a few places where it will make a big difference. It could aid in benefits administration—figuring out who is eligible for what. Humans do this today, but there is often a backlog because there aren’t enough humans. It could audit contracts. It could operate at scale, auditing all human-negotiated government contracts. It could aid in contracts negotiation. The government buys a lot of things and has all sorts of complicated rules. AI could help government contractors navigate those rules.

More generally, it could aid in negotiations of all kinds. Think of it as a strategic adviser. This is no different than a human but could result in more complex negotiations. Human negotiations generally center around only a few issues. Mostly because that’s what humans can keep in mind. AI versus AI negotiations could potentially involve thousands of variables simultaneously. Imagine we are using an AI to aid in some international trade negotiation and it suggests a complex strategy that is beyond human understanding. Will we blindly follow the AI? Will we be more willing to do so once we have some history with its accuracy?

And one last bureaucratic possibility: Could AI come up with better institutional designs than we have today? And would we implement them?

IV: AI-assisted legal system

When referring to an AI-assisted legal system, I mean this very broadly—both lawyering and judging and all the things surrounding those activities.

AIs can be lawyers. Early attempts at having AIs write legal briefs didn’t go well. But this is already changing as the systems get more accurate. Chatbots are now able to properly cite their sources and minimize errors. Future AIs will be much better at writing legalese, drastically reducing the cost of legal counsel. And there’s every indication that it will be able to do much of the routine work that lawyers do. So let’s talk about what this means.

Most obviously, it reduces the cost of legal advice and representation, giving it to people who currently can’t afford it. An AI public defender is going to be a lot better than an overworked not very good human public defender. But if we assume that human-plus-AI beats AI-only, then the rich get the combination, and the poor are stuck with just the AI.

It also will result in more sophisticated legal arguments. AI’s ability to search all of the law for precedents to bolster a case will be transformative.

AI will also change the meaning of a lawsuit. Right now, suing someone acts as a strong social signal because of the cost. If the cost drops to free, that signal will be lost. And orders of magnitude more lawsuits will be filed, which will overwhelm the court system.

Another effect could be gutting the profession. Lawyering is based on apprenticeship. But if most of the apprentice slots are filled by AIs, where do newly minted attorneys go to get training? And then where do the top human lawyers come from? This might not happen. AI-assisted lawyers might result in more human lawyering. We don’t know yet.

AI can help enforce the law. In a sense, this is nothing new. Automated systems already act as law enforcement—think speed trap cameras and Breathalyzers. But AI can take this kind of thing much further, like automatically identifying people who cheat on tax returns, identifying fraud on government service applications and watching all of the traffic cameras and issuing citations.

Again, the AI is performing a task for which we don’t have enough humans. And doing it faster, and at scale. This has the obvious problem of false positives. Which could be hard to contest if the courts believe that the computer is always right. This is a thing today: If a Breathalyzer says you’re drunk, it can be hard to contest the software in court. And also the problem of bias, of course: AI law enforcers may be more and less equitable than their human predecessors.

But most importantly, AI changes our relationship with the law. Everyone commits driving violations all the time. If we had a system of automatic enforcement, the way we all drive would change—significantly. Not everyone wants this future. Lots of people don’t want to fund the IRS, even though catching tax cheats is incredibly profitable for the government. And there are legitimate concerns as to whether this would be applied equitably.

AI can help enforce regulations. We have no shortage of rules and regulations. What we have is a shortage of time, resources and willpower to enforce them, which means that lots of companies know that they can ignore regulations with impunity. AI can change this by decoupling the ability to enforce rules from the resources necessary to do it. This makes enforcement more scalable and efficient. Imagine putting cameras in every slaughterhouse in the country looking for animal welfare violations or fielding an AI in every warehouse camera looking for labor violations. That could create an enormous shift in the balance of power between government and corporations—which means that it will be strongly resisted by corporate power.

AIs can provide expert opinions in court. Imagine an AI trained on millions of traffic accidents, including video footage, telemetry from cars and previous court cases. The AI could provide the court with a reconstruction of the accident along with an assignment of fault. AI could do this in a lot of cases where there aren’t enough human experts to analyze the data—and would do it better, because it would have more experience.

AIs can also perform judging tasks, weighing evidence and making decisions, probably not in actual courtrooms, at least not anytime soon, but in other contexts. There are many areas of government where we don’t have enough adjudicators. Automated adjudication has the potential to offer everyone immediate justice. Maybe the AI does the first level of adjudication and humans handle appeals. Probably the first place we’ll see this is in contracts. Instead of the parties agreeing to binding arbitration to resolve disputes, they’ll agree to binding arbitration by AI. This would significantly decrease cost of arbitration. Which would probably significantly increase the number of disputes.

So, let’s imagine a world where dispute resolution is both cheap and fast. If you and I are business partners, and we have a disagreement, we can get a ruling in minutes. And we can do it as many times as we want—multiple times a day, even. Will we lose the ability to disagree and then resolve our disagreements on our own? Or will this make it easier for us to be in a partnership and trust each other?

V: AI-assisted citizens

AI can help people understand political issues by explaining them. We can imagine both partisan and nonpartisan chatbots. AI can also provide political analysis and commentary. And it can do this at every scale. Including for local elections that simply aren’t important enough to attract human journalists. There is a lot of research going on right now on AI as moderator, facilitator, and consensus builder. Human moderators are still better, but we don’t have enough human moderators. And AI will improve over time. AI can moderate at scale, giving the capability to every decision-making group—or chatroom—or local government meeting.

AI can act as a government watchdog. Right now, much local government effectively happens in secret because there are no local journalists covering public meetings. AI can change that, providing summaries and flagging changes in position.

AIs can help people navigate bureaucracies by filling out forms, applying for services and contesting bureaucratic actions. This would help people get the services they deserve, especially disadvantaged people who have difficulty navigating these systems. Again, this is a task that we don’t have enough qualified humans to perform. It sounds good, but not everyone wants this. Administrative burdens can be deliberate.

Finally, AI can eliminate the need for politicians. This one is further out there, but bear with me. Already there is research showing AI can extrapolate our political preferences. An AI personal assistant trained on and continuously attuned to your political preferences could advise you, including what to support and who to vote for. It could possibly even vote on your behalf or, more interestingly, act as your personal representative.

This is where it gets interesting. Our system of representative democracy empowers elected officials to stand in for our collective preferences. But that has obvious problems. Representatives are necessary because people don’t pay attention to politics. And even if they did, there isn’t enough room in the debate hall for everyone to fit. So we need to pick one of us to pass laws in our name. But that selection process is incredibly inefficient. We have complex policy wants and beliefs and can make complex trade-offs. The space of possible policy outcomes is equally complex. But we can’t directly debate the policies. We can only choose one of two—or maybe a few more—candidates to do that for us. This has been called democracy’s “lossy bottleneck.” AI can change this. We can imagine a personal AI directly participating in policy debates on our behalf along with millions of other personal AIs and coming to a consensus on policy.

More near term, AIs can result in more ballot initiatives. Instead of five or six, there might be five or six hundred, as long as the AI can reliably advise people on how to vote. It’s hard to know whether this is a good thing. I don’t think we want people to become politically passive because the AI is taking care of it. But it could result in more legislation that the majority actually wants.

Where will AI take us?

That’s my list. Again, watch where changes of degree result in changes in kind. The sophistication of AI lawmaking will mean more detailed laws, which will change the balance of power between the executive and the legislative branches. The scale of AI lawyering means that litigation becomes affordable to everyone, which will mean an explosion in the amount of litigation. The speed of AI adjudication means that contract disputes will get resolved much faster, which will change the nature of settlements. The scope of AI enforcement means that some laws will become impossible to evade, which will change how the rich and powerful think about them.

I think this is all coming. The time frame is hazy, but the technology is moving in these directions.

All of these applications need security of one form or another. Can we provide confidentiality, integrity and availability where it is needed? AIs are just computers. As such, they have all the security problems regular computers have—plus the new security risks stemming from AI and the way it is trained, deployed and used. Like everything else in security, it depends on the details.

First, the incentives matter. In some cases, the user of the AI wants it to be both secure and accurate. In some cases, the user of the AI wants to subvert the system. Think about prompt injection attacks. In most cases, the owners of the AIs aren’t the users of the AI. As happened with search engines and social media, surveillance and advertising are likely to become the AI’s business model. And in some cases, what the user of the AI wants is at odds with what society wants.

Second, the risks matter. The cost of getting things wrong depends a lot on the application. If a candidate’s chatbot suggests a ridiculous policy, that’s easily corrected. If an AI is helping someone fill out their immigration paperwork, a mistake can get them deported. We need to understand the rate of AI mistakes versus the rate of human mistakes—and also realize that AI mistakes are viewed differently than human mistakes. There are also different types of mistakes: false positives versus false negatives. But also, AI systems can make different kinds of mistakes than humans do—and that’s important. In every case, the systems need to be able to correct mistakes, especially in the context of democracy.

Many of the applications are in adversarial environments. If two countries are using AI to assist in trade negotiations, they are both going to try to hack each other’s AIs. This will include attacks against the AI models but also conventional attacks against the computers and networks that are running the AIs. They’re going to want to subvert, eavesdrop on or disrupt the other’s AI.

Some AI applications will need to run in secure environments. Large language models work best when they have access to everything, in order to train. That goes against traditional classification rules about compartmentalization.

Fourth, power matters. AI is a technology that fundamentally magnifies power of the humans who use it, but not equally across users or applications. Can we build systems that reduce power imbalances rather than increase them? Think of the privacy versus surveillance debate in the context of AI.

And similarly, equity matters. Human agency matters.

And finally, trust matters. Whether or not to trust an AI is less about the AI and more about the application. Some of these AI applications are individual. Some of these applications are societal. Whether something like “fairness” matters depends on this. And there are many competing definitions of fairness that depend on the details of the system and the application. It’s the same with transparency. The need for it depends on the application and the incentives. Democratic applications are likely to require more transparency than corporate ones and probably AI models that are not owned and run by global tech monopolies.

All of these security issues are bigger than AI or democracy. Like all of our security experience, applying it to these new systems will require some new thinking.

AI will be one of humanity’s most important inventions. That’s probably true. What we don’t know is if this is the moment we are inventing it. Or if today’s systems are yet more over-hyped technologies. But these are security conversations we are going to need to have eventually.

AI is fundamentally a power-enhancing technology. We need to ensure that it distributes power and doesn’t further concentrate it.

AI is coming for democracy. Whether the changes are a net positive or negative depends on us. Let’s help tilt things to the positive.

This essay is adapted from a keynote speech delivered at the RSA Conference in San Francisco on May 7, 2024. It originally appeared in Cyberscoop.


Posted on May 31, 2024 at 7:04 AM19 Comments

Supply Chain Attack against Courtroom Software

No word on how this backdoor was installed:

A software maker serving more than 10,000 courtrooms throughout the world hosted an application update containing a hidden backdoor that maintained persistent communication with a malicious website, researchers reported Thursday, in the latest episode of a supply-chain attack.

The software, known as the JAVS Viewer 8, is a component of the JAVS Suite 8, an application package courtrooms use to record, play back, and manage audio and video from proceedings. Its maker, Louisville, Kentucky-based Justice AV Solutions, says its products are used in more than 10,000 courtrooms throughout the US and 11 other countries. The company has been in business for 35 years.

It’s software used by courts; we can imagine all sort of actors who want to backdoor it.

Posted on May 30, 2024 at 7:04 AM6 Comments

Privacy Implications of Tracking Wireless Access Points

Brian Krebs reports on research into geolocating routers:

Apple and the satellite-based broadband service Starlink each recently took steps to address new research into the potential security and privacy implications of how their services geolocate devices. Researchers from the University of Maryland say they relied on publicly available data from Apple to track the location of billions of devices globally—including non-Apple devices like Starlink systems—and found they could use this data to monitor the destruction of Gaza, as well as the movements and in many cases identities of Russian and Ukrainian troops.

Really fascinating implications to this research.

Research paper: “Surveilling the Masses with Wi-Fi-Based Positioning Systems:

Abstract: Wi-Fi-based Positioning Systems (WPSes) are used by modern mobile devices to learn their position using nearby Wi-Fi access points as landmarks. In this work, we show that Apple’s WPS can be abused to create a privacy threat on a global scale. We present an attack that allows an unprivileged attacker to amass a worldwide snapshot of Wi-Fi BSSID geolocations in only a matter of days. Our attack makes few assumptions, merely exploiting the fact that there are relatively few dense regions of allocated MAC address space. Applying this technique over the course of a year, we learned the precise
locations of over 2 billion BSSIDs around the world.

The privacy implications of such massive datasets become more stark when taken longitudinally, allowing the attacker to track devices’ movements. While most Wi-Fi access points do not move for long periods of time, many devices—like compact travel routers—are specifically designed to be mobile.

We present several case studies that demonstrate the types of attacks on privacy that Apple’s WPS enables: We track devices moving in and out of war zones (specifically Ukraine and Gaza), the effects of natural disasters (specifically the fires in Maui), and the possibility of targeted individual tracking by proxy—all by remotely geolocating wireless access points.

We provide recommendations to WPS operators and Wi-Fi access point manufacturers to enhance the privacy of hundreds of millions of users worldwide. Finally, we detail our efforts at responsibly disclosing this privacy vulnerability, and outline some mitigations that Apple and Wi-Fi access point manufacturers have implemented both independently and as a result of our work.

Posted on May 29, 2024 at 7:01 AM20 Comments

Lattice-Based Cryptosystems and Quantum Cryptanalysis

Quantum computers are probably coming, though we don’t know when—and when they arrive, they will, most likely, be able to break our standard public-key cryptography algorithms. In anticipation of this possibility, cryptographers have been working on quantum-resistant public-key algorithms. The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) has been hosting a competition since 2017, and there already are several proposed standards. Most of these are based on lattice problems.

The mathematics of lattice cryptography revolve around combining sets of vectors—that’s the lattice—in a multi-dimensional space. These lattices are filled with multi-dimensional periodicities. The hard problem that’s used in cryptography is to find the shortest periodicity in a large, random-looking lattice. This can be turned into a public-key cryptosystem in a variety of different ways. Research has been ongoing since 1996, and there has been some really great work since then—including many practical public-key algorithms.

On April 10, Yilei Chen from Tsinghua University in Beijing posted a paper describing a new quantum attack on that shortest-path lattice problem. It’s a very dense mathematical paper—63 pages long—and my guess is that only a few cryptographers are able to understand all of its details. (I was not one of them.) But the conclusion was pretty devastating, breaking essentially all of the lattice-based fully homomorphic encryption schemes and coming significantly closer to attacks against the recently proposed (and NIST-approved) lattice key-exchange and signature schemes.

However, there was a small but critical mistake in the paper, on the bottom of page 37. It was independently discovered by Hongxun Wu from Berkeley and Thomas Vidick from the Weizmann Institute in Israel eight days later. The attack algorithm in its current form doesn’t work.

This was discussed last week at the Cryptographers’ Panel at the RSA Conference. Adi Shamir, the “S” in RSA and a 2002 recipient of ACM’s A.M. Turing award, described the result as psychologically significant because it shows that there is still a lot to be discovered about quantum cryptanalysis of lattice-based algorithms. Craig Gentry—inventor of the first fully homomorphic encryption scheme using lattices—was less impressed, basically saying that a nonworking attack doesn’t change anything.

I tend to agree with Shamir. There have been decades of unsuccessful research into breaking lattice-based systems with classical computers; there has been much less research into quantum cryptanalysis. While Chen’s work doesn’t provide a new security bound, it illustrates that there are significant, unexplored research areas in the construction of efficient quantum attacks on lattice-based cryptosystems. These lattices are periodic structures with some hidden periodicities. Finding a different (one-dimensional) hidden periodicity is exactly what enabled Peter Shor to break the RSA algorithm in polynomial time on a quantum computer. There are certainly more results to be discovered. This is the kind of paper that galvanizes research, and I am excited to see what the next couple of years of research will bring.

To be fair, there are lots of difficulties in making any quantum attack work—even in theory.

Breaking lattice-based cryptography with a quantum computer seems to require orders of magnitude more qubits than breaking RSA, because the key size is much larger and processing it requires more quantum storage. Consequently, testing an algorithm like Chen’s is completely infeasible with current technology. However, the error was mathematical in nature and did not require any experimentation. Chen’s algorithm consisted of nine different steps; the first eight prepared a particular quantum state, and the ninth step was supposed to exploit it. The mistake was in step nine; Chen believed that his wave function was periodic when in fact it was not.

Should NIST be doing anything differently now in its post–quantum cryptography standardization process? The answer is no. They are doing a great job in selecting new algorithms and should not delay anything because of this new research. And users of cryptography should not delay in implementing the new NIST algorithms.

But imagine how different this essay would be were that mistake not yet discovered? If anything, this work emphasizes the need for systems to be crypto-agile: to be able to easily swap algorithms in and out as research continues. And for using hybrid cryptography—multiple algorithms where the security rests on the strongest—where possible, as in TLS.

And—one last point—hooray for peer review. A researcher proposed a new result, and reviewers quickly found a fatal flaw in the work. Efforts to repair the flaw are ongoing. We complain about peer review a lot, but here it worked exactly the way it was supposed to.

This essay originally appeared in Communications of the ACM.

Posted on May 28, 2024 at 7:09 AM28 Comments

On the Zero-Day Market

New paper: “Zero Progress on Zero Days: How the Last Ten Years Created the Modern Spyware Market“:

Abstract: Spyware makes surveillance simple. The last ten years have seen a global market emerge for ready-made software that lets governments surveil their citizens and foreign adversaries alike and to do so more easily than when such work required tradecraft. The last ten years have also been marked by stark failures to control spyware and its precursors and components. This Article accounts for and critiques these failures, providing a socio-technical history since 2014, particularly focusing on the conversation about trade in zero-day vulnerabilities and exploits. Second, this Article applies lessons from these failures to guide regulatory efforts going forward. While recognizing that controlling this trade is difficult, I argue countries should focus on building and strengthening multilateral coalitions of the willing, rather than on strong-arming existing multilateral institutions into working on the problem. Individually, countries should focus on export controls and other sanctions that target specific bad actors, rather than focusing on restricting particular technologies. Last, I continue to call for transparency as a key part of oversight of domestic governments’ use of spyware and related components.

Posted on May 24, 2024 at 7:07 AM8 Comments

Personal AI Assistants and Privacy

Microsoft is trying to create a personal digital assistant:

At a Build conference event on Monday, Microsoft revealed a new AI-powered feature called “Recall” for Copilot+ PCs that will allow Windows 11 users to search and retrieve their past activities on their PC. To make it work, Recall records everything users do on their PC, including activities in apps, communications in live meetings, and websites visited for research. Despite encryption and local storage, the new feature raises privacy concerns for certain Windows users.

I wrote about this AI trust problem last year:

One of the promises of generative AI is a personal digital assistant. Acting as your advocate with others, and as a butler with you. This requires an intimacy greater than your search engine, email provider, cloud storage system, or phone. You’re going to want it with you 24/7, constantly training on everything you do. You will want it to know everything about you, so it can most effectively work on your behalf.

And it will help you in many ways. It will notice your moods and know what to suggest. It will anticipate your needs and work to satisfy them. It will be your therapist, life coach, and relationship counselor.

You will default to thinking of it as a friend. You will speak to it in natural language, and it will respond in kind. If it is a robot, it will look humanoid—­or at least like an animal. It will interact with the whole of your existence, just like another person would.


And you will want to trust it. It will use your mannerisms and cultural references. It will have a convincing voice, a confident tone, and an authoritative manner. Its personality will be optimized to exactly what you like and respond to.

It will act trustworthy, but it will not be trustworthy. We won’t know how they are trained. We won’t know their secret instructions. We won’t know their biases, either accidental or deliberate.

We do know that they are built at enormous expense, mostly in secret, by profit-maximizing corporations for their own benefit.


All of this is a long-winded way of saying that we need trustworthy AI. AI whose behavior, limitations, and training are understood. AI whose biases are understood, and corrected for. AI whose goals are understood. That won’t secretly betray your trust to someone else.

The market will not provide this on its own. Corporations are profit maximizers, at the expense of society. And the incentives of surveillance capitalism are just too much to resist.

We are going to need some sort of public AI to counterbalance all of these corporate AIs.

EDITED TO ADD (5/24): Lots of comments about Microsoft Recall and security:


Because Recall is “default allow” (it relies on a list of things not to record) … it’s going to vacuum up huge volumes and heretofore unknown types of data, most of which are ephemeral today. The “we can’t avoid saving passwords if they’re not masked” warning Microsoft included is only the tip of that iceberg. There’s an ocean of data that the security ecosystem assumes is “out of reach” because it’s either never stored, or it’s encrypted in transit. All of that goes out the window if the endpoint is just going to…turn around and write it to disk. (And local encryption at rest won’t help much here if the data is queryable in the user’s own authentication context!)


The fact that Microsoft’s new Recall thing won’t capture DRM content means the engineers do understand the risk of logging everything. They just chose to preference the interests of corporates and money over people, deliberately.


Microsoft Recall is going to make post-breach impact analysis impossible. Right now IR processes can establish a timeline of data stewardship to identify what information may have been available to an attacker based on the level of access they obtained. It’s not trivial work, but IR folks can do it. Once a system with Recall is compromised, all data that has touched that system is potentially compromised too, and the ML indirection makes it near impossible to confidently identify a blast radius.


You may be in a position where leaders in your company are hot to turn on Microsoft Copilot Recall. Your best counterargument isn’t threat actors stealing company data. It’s that opposing counsel will request the recall data and demand it not be disabled as part of e-discovery proceedings.

Posted on May 23, 2024 at 7:00 AM46 Comments

Detecting Malicious Trackers

From Slashdot:

Apple and Google have launched a new industry standard called “Detecting Unwanted Location Trackers” to combat the misuse of Bluetooth trackers for stalking. Starting Monday, iPhone and Android users will receive alerts when an unknown Bluetooth device is detected moving with them. The move comes after numerous cases of trackers like Apple’s AirTags being used for malicious purposes.

Several Bluetooth tag companies have committed to making their future products compatible with the new standard. Apple and Google said they will continue collaborating with the Internet Engineering Task Force to further develop this technology and address the issue of unwanted tracking.

This seems like a good idea, but I worry about false alarms. If I am walking with a friend, will it alert if they have a Bluetooth tracking device in their pocket?

Posted on May 21, 2024 at 7:09 AM43 Comments

Sidebar photo of Bruce Schneier by Joe MacInnis.