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Exploring Rhythms of Life, social justice, health and environment in relation to Christian faith




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FreerangeFriday: Looking for Hope in a world of Fear

By Lilly Lewin This week was a week of celebration in our family so I’m in the slow lane for freerangefriday today. We were celebrating my dad Wilbur Sensing’s 95th… The post FreerangeFriday: Looking for Hope in a world of Fear first appeared on Godspacelight .

Singing the Psalms

by Carol Dixon Reading Christine’s Monday Meditation of the Summer Solstice this week immediately brought to my mind the beginning of Psalm 19 which always reminds me of summer, ‘The… The post Singing the Psalms first appeared on Godspacelight .

FreerangeFriday: Jesus loves us in the Interruptions

By Lilly Lewin We don’t like interruptions! We like everything to go smoothly and on our time schedule. Today, many folks woke up to delayed and canceled appointments and flights… The post FreerangeFriday: Jesus loves us in the Interruptions first appeared on Godspacelight .

Faith Shifting with Kathy Escobar

In this conversation, Christine Sine interviews Kathy Escobar, the author of ‘Faith Shift,’ about her book and the impact it has had on readers. They discuss the process of faith… The post Faith Shifting with Kathy Escobar first appeared on Godspacelight .

Meditation Monday – The Spiritual Practice of Keeping Pets

by Christine Sine On Monday our dog Goldie had an operation to remove a tumor on her left thigh. Since then she has been sedated to slow her down, and… The post Meditation Monday – The Spiritual Practice of Keeping Pets first appeared on Godspacelight .

FreerangeFriday: Taking time to NOTICE

By Lilly Lewin Summer in America this year is extremely hot. When the temperatures and the humidity rise, I start dreaming of cooler places and checking in with all the… The post FreerangeFriday: Taking time to NOTICE first appeared on Godspacelight .

First Passion

By Keren Dibbens-Wyatt Something the Godspace community is considering in this season is our passions. What we are truly passionate about? What drives us? It is a good idea to… The post First Passion first appeared on Godspacelight .

Meditation Monday

by Christine Sine Yesterday I sat in Malmesbury Abbey looking up at the beautiful old stone pillars and vaulted ceilings. I reached up and ran my hand over the stones… The post Meditation Monday first appeared on Godspacelight .

Keeping Up with the News

by Christine Sine It is a grey drippy day in Seattle, more like what I expect of March than May. In spite of the inclement weather we managed to plant… The post Keeping Up with the News first appeared on Godspacelight .
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