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The New York Times


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Trump, Honing Attacks on Harris, Casts Her as a Far-Left Threat

Speaking to religious conservatives in Florida, former President Donald J. Trump accused Vice President Kamala Harris of wanting to use left-wing values to transform the United States.

Bullet or Fragment of One Struck Trump’s Ear, F.B.I. Says

The explanation was the most definitive to date after the bureau’s director had earlier suggested the former president might have been hit by shrapnel, igniting a political storm.

Silent No More, Harris Seeks Her Own Voice Without Breaking With Biden

The vice president’s expressions of concern for Palestinian suffering marked a shift in emphasis from the president’s statements as she moved to establish herself as the leader of her party.

Clear Encampments? Mind Your Own Business, Los Angeles Says.

In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s declaration urging cities to clear homeless camps met its strongest opposition in Los Angeles.

N.C.A.A. Settlement Agreement Reveals How Colleges Would Pay Athletes

The agreement, if approved by a federal judge, could deliver the final hammer blow to the amateur model of college athletics.

How the U.S. Captured One of Mexico’s Biggest Drug Lords

The improbable arrest of Ismael Zambada García, who for decades had evaded the authorities, at a small airport outside El Paso appears to be a tale of subterfuge and betrayal.

Justice Dept. Settles Lawsuit With Former F.B.I. Officials Targeted by Trump

Peter Strzok, a former F.B.I. agent, and Lisa Page, a former lawyer for the bureau, accused the Trump administration of violating their privacy after it provided explosive texts to the news media.

Amid Deadly Listeria Outbreak, Boar’s Head Recalls Some Deli Meats

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is investigating whether Boar’s Head meat sliced at deli counters has played a role in an outbreak of listeriosis that has caused two deaths.

Vance Calls ‘Cat Ladies’ Remark ‘Sarcasm’ but Amplifies Birthrate Argument

Donald J. Trump’s running mate said in an interview with Megyn Kelly that Democrats believed they could “replace American children with immigrants.”

The Obamas Called Kamala Harris After Endorsement. Cameras Rolled.

Calling to offer their endorsement, the former president and first lady sounded like parents in a Lifetime movie talking to their child at summer camp.

Park Fire Burns Homes in Forest Ranch, California

The Park fire in Northern California quickly became the state’s largest and most destructive wildfire this year, not far from where Paradise, Calif., was decimated in 2018.

Oklahoma Superintendent Vows to Force Schools to Teach Bible, Issuing Guidance

The state superintendent said he would crack down on “rogue districts” opposing the mandate. The guidelines detail how the Bible should be taught by subject and grade levels from five to 12.
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