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Lobbování Prosazování skupinových zájmů

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For women climbers, dangers go beyond avalanches and storms

Women are increasingly reporting sexual harassment and abuse in the sport, including accusations against the renowned climber Nirmal Purja.

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: 'Ben Shapiro only fired Candace Owens because of me'

Speaking to Shmuley Boteach regarding the state of the world today and what must be done for the nation of Israel to win the battle against bigotry and antisemitism.

'Darkest period of my life': Gay conversion therapy in Italy

3:15 » BBC News
Rosario Lonegro was forced to enact his own funeral in a bid to strip him of his sexual proclivities.

‘He’s Had Great Challenges’: Giuliani Holds 80th Birthday Amid Many Woes

The indicted and increasingly isolated former New York mayor celebrated his birthday over pasta and meatballs. Donald J. Trump sent a video.

U.S. dampens criticism of El Salvador's president as migration overtakes democracy concerns

19:47 » ABCNews.com
The Biden administration has sent a high-level delegation to El Salvador to attend President Nayib Bukele's inauguration to a second term

Microsoft to pay off cloud industry group to end EU antitrust complaint, Politico reports

1.června » Zawya.com
The pact would include a possible multimillion-euro payment to the trade association, according to the report, and separate payments could also be made to individual companies

Trump says he wanted to testify in hush money trial; campaign has raised $34.8 million off case

31.května » National News
During a speech from Trump Tower, Trump told the packed lobby that he plans on appealing the verdict, called the judge a “devil” and touted leads he’s gained in polls.

Trump’s Conviction Fuses Republican Party Even Closer to Him

31.května » The New York Times
Prominent Republicans, including congressional leaders, ex-rivals and potential running mates, basked in the energy, and fund-raising, of an outraged base.

Trump lashes out at 'sick' opponents in 'unfair' trial

31.května » The Times of India
Donald Trump lashed out in rambling, angry comments Friday at "sick" opponents and "fascists" after what he called a "very unfair" trial that made him the first former US president to become a convicted felon. "They're coming in from all over the wo…
Václav Klaus - 2. prezident ČR
Petr Nečas - Premiér ČR
Populismus - Snaha zviditelnit se bez ideologického programu
ČSSD - Přední levicová politická strana
Petr Vícha - Politik za ČSSD
Korupce - Zneužití postavení nebo funkce v politice
ODS - Politická strana
Jana Vaňhová - politička ČSSD, hejtmanka Ústeckého kraje
Jeroným Tejc - politik za ČSSD
Věci veřejné - Politická strana
Česká vláda - Státní úřad
Jan Kubice - Ministr vnitra ČR
Stanislav Huml - Poslanec - nezařazení
Jiří Besser - Český politik
Petr Gazdík - Politik za TOP09
TOP 09 - Pravicová politická strana
Alena Hanáková - politik za TOP09
Miroslav Kalousek - Politik za TOP 09
Milan Štěch - Politik za ČSSD
Přemysl Sobotka - politik - ODS
KSČM - Levicová politická strana
Boris Šťastný - politik za ODS
Google - Vyhledávač a internetová reklamní agentura
Fotbal - Míčový sport
Jan Birke - Český politik
Angela Merkelová - Německá kancléřka

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