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European far-right leaders gather ahead of EU elections

20:36 » The Guardian
Le Pen, Orbán and Meloni rail against socialism and ‘massive illegal migration’ at ‘great patriotic convention’ in Madrid International far-right leaders, including France’s Marine Le Pen, Hungary’s Viktor Orbán, Italy’s Giorgia Meloni and Argentina…

'Worst has passed' for shot PM - but condition remains 'serious'

16:21 » Sky News
The condition of Slovakia's prime minister Robert Fico is no longer life-threatening but is still very serious, his team said on Sunday.

Slovak prime minister’s condition remains serious but prognosis positive after assassination bid

Slovakia’s populist prime minister, Robert Fico, remained in serious condition on Sunday but has been given a positive prognosis four days after he was shot multiple times in an assassination attempt.

Slovak prime minister's condition remains serious but prognosis positive after assassination bid

Slovakia’s defense minister says the country's populist prime minister, Robert Fico, remains in serious condition but now has a positive prognosis, four days after he was shot multiple times in an assassination attempt that sent shockwaves across th…

Slovak PM's condition remains serious but prognosis positive after assassination bid

13:40 » ABCNews.com
Slovakia’s defense minister says the country's populist prime minister, Robert Fico, remains in serious condition but now has a positive prognosis, four days after he was shot multiple times in an assassination attempt that sent shockwaves across th…

Slovakia reels from PM's shooting as suspect goes to court

18.května » Zawya.com
The man, identified by Slovak media as 71-year-old poet Juraj Cintula, fired five shots at Fico on Wednesday and hit him four times

Fico assassination attempt exposes deep divisions in Slovakia

17.května » The Week
Violence lays bare the growing schism between older, nationalist Slovaks and younger, pro-Western liberals

For Vladimir Putin, Trump's VP choice couldn't be any clearer

17.května » Daily Kos
As Americans witness the spectacle of a grimacing Donald Trump, fidgeting nervously as he faces criminal charges in a Manhattan courtroom, an even more consequential drama continues to unfold some 5,000 miles away, where the Russian military is capi…

‘He was not radical’: Slovakia tries to make sense of Fico shooting

16.května » The Guardian
Friends in town of Levice say 71-year-old showed no signs of planning attack, while Slovakian president says climate of hate is collective work Mile L’udovit, like other residents of the unassuming grey apartment block on the outskirts of the sleepy…

Shaken by the Fico assassination attempt, the EU wonders if June elections can be free of violence

16.května » ABCNews.com
In an increasingly vitriolic political climate, the last thing needed in the runup to the June European Union elections was an assassination attempt on one of the bloc’s most controversial figures

Slovak authorities charge ‘lone wolf’ with assassination attempt on the prime minister

16.května » The Seattle Times
Slovak authorities have charged a man with attempting to assassinate populist Prime Minister Robert Fico.
Robert Fico - Slovenský politik
Korupce - Zneužití postavení nebo funkce v politice
Václav Klaus - 2. prezident ČR
Petr Nečas - Premiér ČR
Leoš Heger - Ministr zdravotnictví ČR
Lobbování - Prosazování skupinových zájmů
KSČM - Levicová politická strana
Věci veřejné - Politická strana
ODS - Politická strana
ČSSD - Přední levicová politická strana
Jiří Besser - Český politik
Ivan Fuksa - politik - ODS
Pavel Drobil - Politik za ODS
Radek John - Politik a novinář
Vít Bárta - politik za VV
Martin Kocourek - politik ODS
TOP 09 - Pravicová politická strana
Bohuslav Sobotka - Politik za ČSSD
Jaromír Drábek - Ministr práce a sociálních věcí ČR
Jaroslav Škárka - Politik - nezařazení
Kristýna Kočí - Politik - nezařazení
Tomáš Chalupa - Ministr životního prostředí ČR
Štěpánka Hilgertová - Česká vodní slalomářka
Jennifer Lopez - Americká herečka, zpěvačka
Sharon Stone - Americká herečka

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