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Marek Benda politik za ODS

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Does the type of workstation you use make a difference in your health and productivity?

18.července » ScienceDaily
Although devices such as standing desks have been found to alleviate physical symptoms and increase worker productivity, questions remain regarding the best use of the primary types of workstations -- stand-biased, sit-stand or traditional -- for in…

Glydways founder says access to mobility changes lives for the better

5.července » East Bay Times
Mark Seeger founded Glydways to give everyone access to mobility. The company is working on several projects in the Bay Area, including one in Eastern Contra Costa County.

Franz Kafka’s Prague: a centenary tour of the writer’s home city

3.června » The Guardian
A hundred years after his death, the author’s presence is as strong as ever in the Czech capital – from his childhood homes and the literary cafes he frequented to the remarkable buildings immortalised in his work It’s a boiling summer’s day in Prag…

Stocks sit near record highs as 2023 trading wraps up: What to watch this week

24.prosince » DailyFinance.com
The US stock market will enter the final trading week of 2023 with the whole story coming together . Inflation data out Friday showe d the Federal Reserve continues to close in on its goal of returning inflation to 2% and puts the central bank on th…

26.PROSINEC 2023, ÚTERÝ 18:00h - Vánoční koncert Bendova komorního orchestru a jeho hostů //

Benda Arts, o. s., Program: František Antonín Rössler-Rosetti - Sinfonia Pastoralis in D Tomáš Norbert Koutník - Pastorela Hanatica pro bas a orchestr Josef Mysliveček - Sinfonia Pastoralis in D Arcangelo Corelli - Concerto grosso c-moll František X…

The Ratings Game: AMD is chasing down Nvidia in AI, but one analyst worries the company is ‘somewhat late’

14.června » MarketWatch
AMD generally won praise in the wake of new AI product announcements, but at least one analyst worries that the company is late to the game.

Pebble Might Be Coming Back - as a Small Android Phone

22.března » Slashdot
Remember when Pebble founder Eric Migicovsky released an impassioned plea for someone, anyone, to make a small Android phone that would compete with the iPhone Mini? He's taking matters into his own hands. From a report: Now that Apple has stopped m…

Changing Dynamics In The IT And Engineering Services Market

21.března » Forbes
Companies continue to face a lot of need and demand for IT and engineering services. Yet, they are planning for a possible recession and thus need to cut spending. Here is what companies are already starting to do to reconcile these conflicting issu…

Emerging market policymakers dare to hope for brighter 2023

1.prosince » Zawya.com
Finance ministers from India and crisis-stricken Sri Lanka and Zambia all gave upbeat outlooks at the Reuters NEXT event, on a day when emerging market shares were set to notch up their best month since May 2009
Miroslav Jeník - politik za ODS
Miroslav Váňa - politik za ČSSD
Cyril Zapletal - politik za ČSSD
Ladislav Skopal - politik za ČSSD
MiroslavaStrnadlová - politik za ČSSD
Zdeněk Boháč - politik za ODS
Josef Tancoš - Politik za ČSSD
Václav Neubauer - Politik za ČSSD
Radim Jirout - politik za ODS
Ivana Levá - politik za KSČM
Josef Smýkal - politik za ČSSD
Vladimíra Lesenská - politik za ČSSD
Jaroslava Wenigerová - politik za ODS
Jana Suchá - politik za VV
Zdeněk Bezecný - politik za TP09
Jan Pajer - politik za ODS
Marie Nedvědová - politik za KSČM
Pavla Foglová - Překladatelka
Robert Böhnisch - poslanec za ČSSD
Petr Mužák - Zástupce vedoucího Kanceláře prezidenta republiky

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