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Jan Hamáček Poslanec za ČSSD

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Czech president rejects nominee for foreign minister over ‘low qualifications’

10.December » The Guardian
Move from Miloš Zeman threatens to further delay the inauguration of the new coalition The Czech president, Miloš Zeman, has set the stage for a constitutional tug of war after rejecting the nominee to be the country’s next foreign minister on the g…

The impact of a possible war in Ukraine from a Central and Eastern European perspective

5.December » Britské listy
- War could bring an acute energy and economic crisis to the whole of Europe, plus long-term destabilisation and marginalisation of European post-communist states. According to the Russian side's announcement, a video conference between Putin and Bi…

Hamáček resigns as leader of the ČSSD

25.October » Prague Monitor
On Monday October 25th, the Minister of the Interior Jan Hamáček has resigned from his position of party leader of the ČSSD. The social-democratic party has faced a steep decline in popularity ever since it has joined up forces with ANO to form a go…

3000 crowns for government workers

3.September » Prague Monitor
ČSSD Chairman, Minister of the Interior Jan Hamáček and ČSSD Vice-Chairwoman, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Jana Maláčová have met with the leaders of government worker unions to reach a deal about a 3000 crown raise for all public sector wo…

ID cards or passports cannot be requested until next Monday

30.July » Prague Monitor
From today to Monday August 2nd, citizens from the Czech Republic won’t be able to apply for a new ID card if they need it. Due to a European Union normative, starting next week all the ID cards and passports have to have biometric data to enhance t…

New Law Restricts Foreign Residents With Commercial Insurance To Using VZP

15.July » Prague Monitor
The post New Law Restricts Foreign Residents With Commercial Insurance To Using VZP appeared first on Prague Monitor / Czech News in English .

Roma deaths are newsworthy in their own right

We should not feel the need to co-opt the BLM movement to bring the plight of Roma to the world's attention.

Babiš Proposes Freeze of MPs’ Salaries As Election Approaches

30.May » Prague Monitor
The post Babiš Proposes Freeze of MPs’ Salaries As Election Approaches appeared first on Prague Monitor / Czech News in English .

Embattled Czech deputy prime minister hits back, saying he’ll sue those who branded him a traitor

The post Embattled Czech deputy prime minister hits back, saying he’ll sue those who branded him a traitor appeared first on Prague Monitor / Czech News in English .

Salisbury, Berlin, Vrbětice

30.April » Přítomnost.cz
Vladimír Handl Osteuropa The GRU has left a trail of violence across Europe. Revelations that it was behind the 2014 explosions in Vrbětice worsen relations not only between Prague and Moscow, but also pro and anti-Kremlin camps within the Czech Rep…

The Capitals: Praha a Vídeň soupeří o pořádání schůzky mezi Bidenem a Putinem

15.April » EurActiv.cz
In today's edition of the Capitals, find out more about Turkish President Erdogan slamming Italian PM Draghi for calling him a "dictator", the decision of Romanian PM Florin Citu to fire now-former health minister Vlad Voiculescu creating a politica…
Jan Pajer - politik za ODS
František Dědič - politik za ODS
Pavel Hojda - politik za KSČM
Jan Florian - politik za ODS
Tomáš Úlehla - politik za ODS
David Kádner - Politik za VV
Miroslav Jeník - politik za ODS
Milada Halíková - Politik za KSČM
Ivana Řápková - Politik za ODS
Jaroslav Vandas - politik za ČSSD
Jana Fischerová - politik za ODS
David Vodrážka - politik za ODS
Josef Novotný - politik za ČSSD
Pavel Staněk - politik za ODS
Václav Mencl - politik za ODS
Jan Babor - poslanec za ČSSD
Cyril Zapletal - politik za ČSSD
Jan Bauer - politik za ODS
Josef Nekl - politik za KSCM
Jaroslav Krupka - politik za ODS
Jiří Štětina - Politik za VV
Vladislav Vilímec - politik za ODS
Jaroslav Martinů - politik za ODS
Radim Vysloužil - Český politik a poslanec
Pavel Antonín - poslanec za ČSSD
Aleš Rádl - Politik za ODS
Jaroslava Wenigerová - politik za ODS
Vojtěch Adam - politik za KSČM
MiroslavaStrnadlová - politik za ČSSD

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