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Midwest governor eviscerates JD Vance: 'Mind your own damn business'

21:20 » Daily Kos
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz skewered the GOP’s notion of populism on MSNBC Thursday. “The golden rule that makes small towns work, so we're not at each other's throats all the time,” the Democrat explained, is “mind your own damn business.” “I don't nee…

Is this the beginning of the end for the Maduro regime in Venezuela?

After a decade of economic calamity and political repression, Venezuela stands on the brink of once-unfathomable change: Maduro may lose the presidency by a landslide.

In Vance’s ‘Hillbilly’ home, his story rings true — but not always his message

25.července » The Washington Post
J. D. Vance shaped his image in his memoir, “Hillbilly Elegy,” about his roots in rural Kentucky. Many there question his theories about the White working class.

Thursday briefing: Why the Conservatives’ identity crisis is their biggest challenge

25.července » The Guardian
In today’s newsletter: As they try to find Rishi Sunak’s successor, the Tories need to decide what they stand for • Sign up here for our daily newsletter, First Edition Good morning. It’s been 27 years since the Conservatives last had to choose a le…

The change voters seek goes beyond the left-right divide

24.července » FOXNews
I believe that recent election results in the West reflect not so much a popular swing to the right, but rather, a growing frustration with incumbent governments.

‘I am a real person’: Political candidate forced to prove he’s not AI-generated

24.července » WorldNetDaily
'Though I must admit I am enjoying the free publicity, and when I feel up to it, I will put out a video and prove these rumors that I'm a robot are absolute baloney'

Is the Populism of the Trump G.O.P. Real or Fake?

23.července » The New York Times
Trump’s consolidated control of the G.O.P. has had the surprising effect of making its policies more, not less, unsettled.

Changing the ‘Toxic’ Discourse on Migration

23.července » The Good Men Project
Research shows that people greatly overestimate the total number of immigrants, think immigrants are culturally and religiously more distant from them, and economically weaker – less educated, more unemployed, and more reliant on and favored by gove…

Budget 2024 Expectations Live Updates: Income Tax changes, record capex for roads and railways expected from FM Nirmala Sithara

21.července » The Times of India
Budget 2024 expectations live: On July 23, 2024, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will present the Union Budget 2024 in the Parliament. This will
Korupce - Zneužití postavení nebo funkce v politice
Václav Klaus - 2. prezident ČR
Petr Nečas - Premiér ČR
Leoš Heger - Ministr zdravotnictví ČR
Lobbování - Prosazování skupinových zájmů
KSČM - Levicová politická strana
Věci veřejné - Politická strana
ODS - Politická strana
ČSSD - Přední levicová politická strana
Jiří Besser - Český politik
Ivan Fuksa - politik - ODS
Pavel Drobil - Politik za ODS
Radek John - Politik a novinář
Vít Bárta - politik za VV
Martin Kocourek - politik ODS
TOP 09 - Pravicová politická strana
Bohuslav Sobotka - Politik za ČSSD
Jaromír Drábek - Ministr práce a sociálních věcí ČR
Jaroslav Škárka - Politik - nezařazení
Kristýna Kočí - Politik - nezařazení
Tomáš Chalupa - Ministr životního prostředí ČR
Štěpánka Hilgertová - Česká vodní slalomářka
Jennifer Lopez - Americká herečka, zpěvačka
Sharon Stone - Americká herečka

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