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Populismus Snaha zviditelnit se bez ideologického programu

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It’s Always Been Hamiltonian Statecraft

The ruling elites of the US are calling for a "return" to "Hamiltonian Statecraft" and to move away from so-called isolationism. However, there has been no time since the end of World War II that the US has been anything but aggressive in its foreig…

Cheney’s policies as VP caused immense human suffering on a global scale

16:06 » AL JAZEERA
Framing him as a 'defender of democracy' simply because he endorsed Kamala Harris over Donald Trump is a moral failure.

Alberto Fujimori, populist Peruvian president swept up in scandal, dies at 86

12.September » L.A. Times - World News
Fujimori was credited with rescuing Peru from economic chaos and leftist insurgency, but was later sentenced to prison on charges of human rights abuses.

The one who brought the light

11.September » ekathimerini.com
Few were surprised by the ousting of Stefanos Kasselakis from the SYRIZA leadership – it was entirely predictable.

New Russian-Style Law Censors Mentioning LGBTQ+ in the Bulgarian School System

10.September » The Good Men Project
‘Cheap populism’ forbidding ‘LGBT propaganda’ for Bulgarian children The post New Russian-Style Law Censors Mentioning LGBTQ+ in the Bulgarian School System appeared first on The Good Men Project .

Macron’s Faustian bargain could be a dire turning point for France

9.September » The Washington Post
In naming a new prime minister, Macron has dramatically increased the populist Marine Le Pen’s influence.

Pride march held in conservative Serbia under heavy police protection

8.September » Politics
A Pride march on Saturday in Serbia’s capital pressed for the demand that the populist government improve the rights of the LGBTQ+ community who often face harassment and discrimination in the highly conservative Balkan country.

Divided We Stand: The Rise of Political Animosity

8.September » The Good Men Project
Scientists peered into the partisan abyss. Here’s what they found. The post Divided We Stand: The Rise of Political Animosity appeared first on The Good Men Project .

Pride march held in conservative Serbia under heavy police protection

7.September » ABCNews.com
A Pride march in Serbia’s capital of Belgrade has pressed for the demand that the government improve rights for the LGBTQ+ community who often face harassment and discrimination in the highly conservative Balkan country

Trump’s economic populism won’t bring Americans lasting prosperity

7.September » MarketWatch
Populism is spreading worldwide, but its leaders show little understanding of economic and geopolitical realities.
Korupce - Zneužití postavení nebo funkce v politice
Václav Klaus - 2. prezident ČR
Petr Nečas - Premiér ČR
Leoš Heger - Ministr zdravotnictví ČR
Lobbování - Prosazování skupinových zájmů
KSČM - Levicová politická strana
Věci veřejné - Politická strana
ODS - Politická strana
ČSSD - Přední levicová politická strana
Jiří Besser - Český politik
Ivan Fuksa - politik - ODS
Pavel Drobil - Politik za ODS
Radek John - Politik a novinář
Vít Bárta - politik za VV
Martin Kocourek - politik ODS
TOP 09 - Pravicová politická strana
Bohuslav Sobotka - Politik za ČSSD
Jaromír Drábek - Ministr práce a sociálních věcí ČR
Jaroslav Škárka - Politik - nezařazení
Kristýna Kočí - Politik - nezařazení
Tomáš Chalupa - Ministr životního prostředí ČR
Štěpánka Hilgertová - Česká vodní slalomářka
Jennifer Lopez - Americká herečka, zpěvačka
Sharon Stone - Americká herečka

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