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Google Vyhledávač a internetová reklamní agentura

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Google preps updated and more useful Phone app for some Android and all compatible Pixel phones

2:21 » PhoneArena
An updated version of the Android and Pixel Phone app will allow users to more easily view the calls they made, sent, and missed.

The Top 5 Solo Travel Trips People Are Searching—According To Google

1:17 » Forbes
Solo travel continues to dominate travel trends in 2025. But where are solo travelers looking to take trips in 2025? Google search data has answers.

Google To Let Users Turn Off Divisive Google Photos Feature

23:10 » Forbes
Google is considering backtracking somewhat on a significant new photo sharing feature, currently under test.

There's a Hole in Your Online Security Putting Your Financial Data At Risk

18:22 » CNET
You wouldn't leave the door to your house unlocked, so why leave it open online for criminals to access your data?

Google Cloud Security Threat Alert—Act Now To Stay Ahead Of Hackers

17:18 » Forbes
As Google publishes confirmation of security threats to Google Cloud users, here’s what you need to do to defend yourself and your data.
Android OS - Operační systém
Samsung - Výrobce elektroniky
iOS - Operační systém pro tablety a mobilní telefony
Microsoft - Americká softwarová společnost
iPhone - Chytrý telefon společnosti Apple
iPad - Tablet společnosti Apple
Yahoo! - Internetová společnost
Lobbování - Prosazování skupinových zájmů
Hokej - Hra na ledě
iPod - Populární přehrávač hudby
Andrej Babiš - Český podnikatel a politik, předseda hnutí ANO
Ivan Bartoš - Český politik

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